
Hurricane Matthew: Similarities And Differences

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Hurricane Matthew: Similarities And Differences
The five disasters that I conducted my research on all have similarities and differences. The most dangerous disaster was Hurricane Matthew which vastly destroyed different regions of countries, lasting for weeks. The weakest disaster was the earthquake in Gurgaon, which was only 4.4 in magnitude on the scale and took place during the morning. In between those I had the London flooding which created a sinkhole that a bus fell into, a tornado that hit the Oregon coast and moved its way up the PNW causing a lot of trouble for families, and last the Haima Typhoon which took lives and destroyed land. All of these disasters were different in the environmental cause as well as the damage it constructed; but all of these are similar in the way that it caused stress, scare, and pain for families in each region. This stress, scare, and pain is what I want to get into and obviously not find an answer for it because that’s not possible, but help find a way to help them cope with it. …show more content…
Flooding killed most of the people as well as wiping out houses and roads. Winds took out trees and signs, tearing up neighborhoods. Families were devastated, one man says “It’s the worst hurricane that I’ve seen during my life” he goes on to say “my cousins house got destroyed, though none of them are physically hurt, they all are mentally hurt.” This causes such trouble for families trying to put together money to build a new house, if one gets hurt or dies, more money has to go out and they have to deal with a deceased family

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