Janie performs her duties while ignoring her emotions towards her arrogant husband. She becomes less and less satisfied with her marriage. Janie speaks her mind less and less. “She had learned how to talk some and leave some. … But mostly she lived… with her emotional disturbances like shade patterns in the woods---come and gone with the sun.” (Hurston 90). Janie also learns that following someone else dreams do not bring happiness. Before Joe dies, Janie finds her voice and is able to free herself of him and his restrictions. She expressed that Joe never gave her a chance to show him love; he never listened to her. On his death bed Janie says to him, “you was so busy worshippin’ de works of yo’ own hands” and “listening tuh yo’ own big voice.” (Hurston 102-103). This is Janie’s last chance to use that voice she has regained. This is her last chance to free herself of his burdens. This is her last chance to stop being deceiving and express what she has been thinking for quite some time. This is Janie’s final chance to tell him of her values and dreams, the ones she had before marrying both him and Logan.
Both her marriages, with Logan Killicks and Joe Starks, are confining. While they offer Janie financial protection, she desires independence. Janie never feels any sense of self in her marriages to these men. Logan wanted to control Janie. Jody was strict and overbearing. They never listened to Janie and