Hearing the statement, “the more you know the more you see” has me looking at what I just learned in visual communication course. I have learned to look more into the picture. I look at tones, colors, lines, perception, and other elements. Look at these know more that I see more into a picture then I did before. I did an assignment that I looked more into one of my favorite shows. I looked more into, “The Walking Dead” now when “the Walking Dead” returns
for a season seven I have more knowledge behind the film. I don’t think I will never look the same at any film or photo again. Thanks to the visual communication course.
Another way I interpret the statement, “the more you know the more you see” is by looking at it personal aspect. In my life I have been going through a lot of changes and with that a lot of knowledge. I am a single mother of four. Over time I have gain more knowledge as a parent and as a person. I see now what can happen if you ignore the signs of development of your child. My daughter had some medical disabilities but at first I didn’t want to believe it. But now I know more about her disability as a teacher I see things with some of my own students. Also the older you get you get more and more experience we get so the more we see.