Although hydraulic fracturing positively impacts the environment by lessening the need for fossil fuels, based upon scientific data collected in places where hydraulic fracturing …show more content…
By using natural gasses exhumed through hydraulic fracturing, the need for coal or oil to produce power in the United States is lowered, therefore reducing the total amount of greenhouses gasses emitted into the atmosphere (Withgott & Laposata, 2014). Because natural gas is cleaner-burning than either fossil fuel option, policymakers have supported the use and construction of hydraulic fracturing wells, however drilling operations have been exempt from some major federal environmental laws, which would monitor any negative environmental impact (Withgott & Laposata, 2014). This includes both the National Environmental Policy Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act (Withgott & Laposata, 2014). So, there is some good reason to encourage the use of hydraulic fracturing from an environmental point of view, but some major changes will need to be put in place in order for it to be done