A pig likes to eat dirt. A buffalo likes to wallow in mud.
A donkey likes dust the best for this purpose. Similarly, most of other animals like dirt and garbage in one way or the other. It is only man who does not like such things.
It is very important for us to observe personal cleanliness. We should wear well-washed clothes. We should have a bath daily. We should pare our nails regularly.
We should keep our houses neat and clean. Dirt which often gathers in corners, harbours bacteria of all kinds. We should wash our hands thoroughly before we start to take our meals. We should take clean, purified water and other liquids. We must not take stale foods and liquids.
We should also ensure cleanliness in streets, parks and on the roads. We should throw garbage only in the dustbin and not spread it in streets.
Besides physical cleanliness, we should also maintain mental and intellectual cleanliness. We should have good and pure thoughts. We should read healthy books. We must not watch unhealthy movies or T.V. serials.
2. Cleanliness is the cornerstone of discipline and a trademark of success. Cleanliness is an important trait and character for many reasons that it helps to prevent illnesses. It involves hygiene and it also make to know people to perceive one’s character. If someone says that cleanliness is next to godliness, it means that we have a moral duty to keep themselves and their homes clean. One has to keep his body and mind hygienic and clean in all respects. If someone shows up to work dirty and filthy, you would not like them. People may keep far because if a person cannot keep themselves clean and neat, people may not trust and like to work with them. Without cleanliness one may not go long in life. Cleanliness and hygiene should go hand in hand and this trait must be taught right from childhood. It must be further nurtured in schools. It is one of those traits, by which people judge one. The very first appearance impresses and judges everything. If a personal space can’t be cleaned, one cannot maintain a healthy relationship with outside world. It may be an embarrassment to show, a filthy unkempt house, or wherever a person is to stay. Cleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his action and manners. He cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. By cleanliness of body and limbs, cleanliness of all our articles of use, cleanliness of our dwellings and soul, we gradually move towards divinity. Hence, we say- "Cleanliness is next to Godliness".
Cleanliness refers not only to the way we tend to our hygiene, but also to the care we take to maintain and cherish all aspects of our environments (inner and outer) within our control.
Cleanliness is often a daily ritual in the house and soul of setting things to rights, whether they are dishes, tools, or conscience. It may refer to purging ourselves of the clutter and other impediments that prevent us from moving forward with our work and play. The act of being cleanly does not refer to being “spotless”, but to the art of moving through the day making choices that increase the well-being and functionality of ourselves and those around us.