Hygrophila favourable growing areas are shallow, freshwater wetlands, banks of creeks and rivers. When Hygrophila …show more content…
inhabits an area it provides an unnecessary role by causing catastrophe. Hygrophila does this by forming dense mats of floating vegetation that ultimately clogs up wetlands, creeks and drainage systems. (source) Hygrophila is a rapid growing pest that dominates the waterways throughout the Herbert River District. This plant grows into an inconvenience as soon as comes into contact with the soil because it can grow roots from any remaining pieces of the plant, therefore the Hygrophila leaves and stems that are found floating throughout these waterways can easily invade an area of vegetation. Hygrophila also disperses a large numbers of seeds that become sticky when wet and can be spread by water movement, birds, animals, human activity or vehicles.(source) why it is growing and problem.
The Hygrophila plant does not contain natural control agents, therefore once this plant inhabits an area it rapidly spreads and is difficult to contain causing it to dominate and take over the ecosystem to which they are exposed.
(source) The invasion of this plant has the potential to reduce flora and fauna diversity throughout the ecosystem that is exposed. Infestations are likely to destroy natural habitats of of organisms which is bad for the environment because it threatens the life of native vegetation. This is done by causing them to competes with the Hygrophila which ultimately causes them loose all nutrients and die off. This is caused through the degrade, reduction and loss of oxygen in the water quality.(source) why is it a problem to plants
Due to the Hygrophila being quick to over grow within many creeks, rivers and wetlands it has caused it to dominate the entire water column. This will result in most plants below being unable to gain sunlight through photosynthesis causing them to die. Soon after, bacteria inhabits the area in order to decompose the submerged pants causing mass oxygen levels to be used up
Therefore the vegetation that have been disturbed will interfere with oxygen levels in the water quality causing Low dissolved water levels. (source) The process of decomposition of organisms is called Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand. (source) Without the recommended oxygen levels throughout the water it causes fauna perish and die. why does it being a problem with plants make it a problem for