For example Newt said, “Actually, I am a very lucky person and I know it. I am about to marry a wonderful little girl. There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look. I am proof of that.” (Vonnegut 36). Newt had fallen completely for Zinka. Love blinded Newt and he didn’t realize it was an illusion. Soon after the engagement Zinka, who was Russian spy, stole Newt’s father’s invention and took it back to the Soviet Union. Another instance of illusionary love was with John, he said to Mona, “‘As though I’d known you for a thousand years,’ I confessed. I felt like crying. ‘I love you, Mona.’ ‘I love you.’ She said it simply.” (Vonnegut 224). The way she expressed her love toward John showed she had no legitimate feelings for him. Later on she goes on to tell John how she loves everyone and will continue to love everyone around her. The only reason for her love was due to the religion of Bokononism and not for the actual man. Dr. Hoenikker showed no interest to his wife as someone noted this about him “‘ can you say a man had a good mind when he couldn’t even bother to do anything when the best-hearted, most beautiful woman in the world, his own wife, was dying for lack of love and understanding…” (Vonnegut 86). Hoenikker was unable to have any feeling of love. It caused his wife to feel more depressed as time went by. The theme of love shows readers how fake it is likewise …show more content…
For example Newt said, “My sister Angela has told me many times that I really hurt my father that day when I wouldn’t admire the cat’s cradle.” (Vonnegut 31). The father being Dr. Hoenikker lived with his family but never cared for them. Actually, it would be accurate to say that he emotionally abandoned his family and made Angela the “mom” of the family. Yet he still got upset when Newt didn’t want to play with him. Another example of hypocrisy is when Frank Hoenikker offered John as job as the “President of the Republic of San Lorenzo.” (Vonnegut 214). Frank Hoenikker clearly displayed dislike to his father, Dr. Hoenikker. However, he does the same thing that his father did and ran away from all social problems and responsibilities. “Read the banner’s message. ‘Peace on Earth!’ he read out loud heartily… ‘Good Will Toward Men!’” (Vonnegut 55~56). The same company that had these signs also created the atomic bomb that killed thousands in Hiroshima. They also went far into research expanding the knowledge of men by killing thousands in Hiroshima. Hypocrisy was a theme that shined a spotlight on the embarrassment of humans, along with religion and