
Hypocrisy In The Importance Of Being Earnest Essay

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Maira Aguirre
Rachel Woods
Professor Seiler
Lakewood Ranch High School
State College of Florida
The Importance of Being Earnest: A tale of Victorian mockery "Every word and every part of an individual was expected to be in accordance with the rigid moral and behavior rules, and each, even the slightest deviation from the rule was considered an offence which made the delinquent publicly disgraced. Even literature and art had its cannons which were to be respected" (Mathews, 2009). In Oscar Wilde 's satirical comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, Victorian hypocrisy is presented within the lines of the play as it unfolds a story about the courtship of two young women and men of that era. Wilde utilizes triviality as the guise to unwind his message about the most certain hypocrisy that occupied society during that time. Superficiality within the story serves as not only the veil but statement of the consequences of repression. The ills or wickedness of Victorian Repression are exposed through the authors cutting wit as well as the duality coming alive within the characters and situations presented to them by society 's standard (Wilde, 160). Within Oscar Wilde 's comedy superficiality is extremely significant, surfacing in its pages. As the characters converse at a dinner party or in a more
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He uses triviality as the guise to unwind his message about the most certain hypocrisy that occupied society during that time. He uses his comedic superficiality, wickedness of Victorian mockery, and literary repression in the characters to get his full purpose of the work across. This play is so cleverly written that it continues to be a go-to piece of work for students and writers to this day. The internal dual between Jack and Earnest, and the ending result really shows what the true importance is of being

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