RES 341 Research and Evaluation !!
In many environments in which peers are placed together for long periods of time, it seems that banding together and ostracizing the people who are different. This is apparent in classrooms around the world where bullying runs rampant. In this article examiners try to determine “the relation between moral disengagement and different- self reported and peer nominated positions in school bullying” (Obermann, 2011, Para one).The hypothesis of this study was to investigate the moral standing of the children accused of bullying and the children who were the recipients of the act of bullying. They also wanted to determine the levels of disengagement that bullies, their victims, and children who were not engaged in or a recipient of an act of bullying. In order to determine these answers, the researchers surveyed a group of sixth and seventh graders. The researchers used a Danish moral disengagement scale to analyze the data gathered and to see if there were major discrepancies. The hypothesis and its ensuing research yielded data that was startling. It showed based on the information and data gathered that both pure bullies and bully victims, displayed a higher moral disengagement than the children who were not bullies or victims of bullying, as seen in the following chart: Aggressive Behavior, Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p133-144, 12p, 1 Diagram, 3 Charts Diagram; found on p134
These finding show that people who were bullies or were bully victims have less of an understanding of what is right and wrong. Therefore, they were capable of repeating the action or perpetuating the bullying cycle by doing it to other students. These results also showed that self-reported bullying and peer reported bullying had an impact on the child’s social reputation and that regard for such reputation had a stronger association with the moral
References: Obermann, M. (2011, Martch). Aggresive Behavior. , 37(2), 133-144. Academic Search Complete.