September 1, 2014
Jennifer Slothower
We are seeing the influence of psychosocial stress on the course of bipolar disorder being increasingly recognized. Child adversity is not just a topic that is discussed, but is a topic that is real in the society in which we live. Child adversity can hit close to home. A child experiences this by being in a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Situations of these types are terrible to see and can affect the child, but just not as children. These types of situations could include: verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, neglect, parental death, bullying, or even poverty. The effects of these …show more content…
"Hypothesis is a prediction often based on informal observation, previous research, or theory that is testing in a research study" (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2013, p. 108). In a research study, the testing is referred to as a hypothesis procedure. We must first state a research hypothesis and a null hypothesis. "Research hypothesis is a statement in a hypothesis testing procedure about the predicted relation between populations. Null hypothesis is a statement about a relation between populations that is the opposite of the research hypothesis" (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2013, p. 108). The null hypothesis is often said to be the opposite of what is being predicted. For this study, the research hypothesis is, "Early child adversity makes bipolar disorder more likely." The null hypothesis is, "Early child adversity does not make bipolar disorder more …show more content…
The results exhibited that the interaction of early child adversity severity and those stressful life events involved predicted an occurrence in a manner consistent with the research hypothesis for both the men and the women. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. There were some limitations to this research issue and the hypothesis testing procedure. The sample size and the number of past episodes were determined retrospectively, mainly through self-report. But, another thought to keep in mind is the individuals who experienced early child adversity had a significantly younger age of bipolar onset. Concerning this conclusion, it would be of great importance for the suggestion for further studies of stress mechanisms in bipolar disorder and of treatments designed to intervene early among those at risk. I would propose when and if the conditions of bipolar disorder are identified, an effective treatment plan needs to be implemented. This approach would be of great benefit for the patient 's health, wellbeing, and longevity. Studies speak for themselves regarding childhood adversity being prevalent and having pervasive and long term impacts on mental and physical