Geneva Giles
Oakland University
Dr. Scott Smith
Social Work 311
June 13, 2010
Role of Person in the Environment theory in Understanding Social Problems
Sexual Assault and Homeless Male Adolescent Sexual assault overview Homeless/Runaway differences
Paper Intent and Overview This paper will present a hypothetical case study of a 17-year-old African American male who has been referred for social work services after being a forced recipient partner during oral and anal intercourse. Using the person in the environment theory, antecedents of the adolescent’s behavior will be presented in the context of his family, social environments, with specific attention to the unique experience of male homeless/runaway’s in the United States. The adolescent’s current functioning and likely trajectory will be presented, informed by current research on male sexual assault, social networks of high-risk youth, and statistics from the RAINN 1998 report. Demographics and Social History
Biographical Information M.H. is a 17-year-old, heterosexual, African American male who was born in the U.S. M.H. was brought up practicing Islam, and enjoyed worship along side his maternal grandparents sunset on Thursday to sunset on Friday. His grandfather taught him how to pray daily, which is performed five times (after dawn, at noon, at mid afternoon, after sunset, and at night). M.H. smiles as he speaks of his religious practices, then distress came across his face as he states, “I stop doing it all around 11 months ago when my grandfather died. First my grandmother when I was 10, then my grandfather and they where what love is.” Physically, M.H. presents with poor hygiene, pacing, wringing his hands and is tearful. He complains of sore throat, chest pressure, palpitations, and shortness of breath. He is diaphoretic and his hands are trembling. His blood pressure is 140/90, pulse 110, and respirations 30 and shallow. Visible laceration bruises,
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