to say the same. Africans were deprived of their culture and heritage. Being treated as less than a human being and literally being beaten into suffrage, the Africans were put through hardship for over 400 years. The way society forces you to do things is similar to slavery. By law when a male becomes eighteen years of age, they must register with selective service. Before and during the antebellum period blacks were seen by the world as property. They had no choice but to work in fields from dawn to dusk. Slavery has brought so much attention to the way society can mutate the opinion of others. Equality played a huge role in the road to freedom for the African Americans. In the Declaration of Independence, it is stated that all men are created equal. In my opinion, that is an understatement. Since the beginning of time no man was considered equal to the other. The colonists treated Native Americans as less than individuals, slaves were considered property, and free blacks in the United States were discriminated against for insignificant reasons. In the 1960s, African Americans were not treated how their natural right by law said they should be. Sadly, in the north and south there were laws that made it legal for blacks to be socially separated from whites. Today there aren’t any laws that approve segregation, but because of our past the way each races separates themselves is an example of how the messed up morals of society has brainwashed the minds of the people. To overcome is to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.
Ever since Africans were brought to the new world there was hardship for them. Fighting for equality for over four hundred years was an arduous fight, but worth it in the long run. On January 20, 2009, the United States history would be altered forever. President Barack Obama took office as our first African American president. Everything the civil rights leaders were preaching about finally came to pass. Just because society knocks you down, you can’t take it whatever it throws at you and accept it. Using disadvantages for later on advantages is the absolute best way to handle difficult situations. Can we consider these main points: slavery has started the idea that blacks were “supposed” to be treated like nothing, equality is an understatement, and there is always a way to overcome a hardship if someone really wants to break free from their
chains. Suffrage is something that maybe cannot be dodged at some point in life, but there are ways to better it. Accepting what others label you as isn’t going to make you feel better about yourself. Taking a stand up against that label could change the viewpoints of millions. Everyone’s dream is to be completely equal to everyone else. Sadly, that will never be possible; it’s safe to say that you could present yourself in a way you feel comfortable. There isn’t any hardship that cannot be faced directly. Taking every negative thing in your life and making it a positive will turn you into a conqueror. I encourage you all to run away from the net that society is catching innocent beings in destroying their demeanor and be the person you truly are.