Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me. hey people! Ever wondered what the lives of the chosen ones are really like? Well, I’m going to tell you, because I’m one of them. I’m not talking about beautiful models or actors or musical prodigies or mathematical geniuses. I’m talking about the people who are born to it—those of us who have everything anyone could possibly wish for and who take it all completely for granted. Welcome to New York City’s Upper East Side, where my friends and I live and go to school …show more content…
“Serena van der Woodsen! What a lovely surprise!” Nate dropped Blair’s hand and straightened up like a soldier called to attention. Blair sat down hard on the end of her bed, put her drink on the floor, and grasped the bedspread in tight, whiteknuckled fists. She looked up at Nate. But Nate was already turning to go, striding back down the hall to see if it could possibly be true. Had Serena van der Woodsen really come back? The movie of Blair’s life had taken a sudden, tragic turn. Blair clutched her stomach, ravenous again. She should have gone for the hot dog after all. s is back! “Hello, hello, hello!” Blair’s mother crowed, kissing the smooth, hollow cheeks of each van der Woodsen. Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss! “I know you weren’t expecting Serena, dear,” Mrs. van der Woodsen whispered in a concerned, confidential tone. “I hope it’s all right.” “Of course. Yes, it’s fine,” Mrs. Waldorf said. “Did you come home for the weekend, Serena?” Serena van der Woodsen shook her head and handed her vintage Burberry coat to Esther, the maid. She pushed a stray blond hair behind her ear and smiled at her hostess. When Serena smiled, she used her eyes—those dark, almost navy blue eyes. It was the kind of smile you might try to imitate, posing in the bathroom mirror like an idiot. The magnetic, delicious, “you can’t stop looking at me, can you?” smile supermodels spend years perfecting. Well, Serena …show more content…
They would go back to being their regular old fabulous selves, just like always. Serena couldn’t wait. “Got you a drink,” Chuck Bass said, elbowing the clusters of parents out of the way and handing Serena a tumbler of whiskey. “Welcome back,” he added, ducking down to kiss Serena’s cheek and missing it intentionally, so that his lips landed on her mouth. “You haven’t changed,” Serena said, accepting the drink. She took a long sip. “So, did you miss me?” “Miss you? The question is, did you miss me?” Chuck said. “Come on, babe, spill. What are you doing back here? What happened? Do you have a boyfriend?” “Oh, come on, Chuck,” Serena said, squeezing his hand. “You know I came back because I want you so badly. I’ve always wanted you.” Chuck took a step back and cleared his throat, his face flushed. She’d caught him off guard, a rare feat. “Well, I’m all booked up for this month, but I can put you on the waiting list,” Chuck said huffily, trying to regain his composure. But Serena was barely listening to him anymore. Her dark blue eyes scanned the room, looking for the two people she wanted to see most, Blair and Nate. Finally Serena found them. Nate was standing by the doorway to the hall, and Blair was standing just behind him, her head bowed, fiddling with the buttons on her black cardigan. Nate was looking directly at Serena, and when her gaze met his, he bit his bottom lip the way he always did when he was embarrassed. And then he smiled.