According to Steinberg (2013), there is a direct correlation to adolescent’s brain development which impairs their cognitive ability to make good decisions. Now, this does not give every teenager the right to go out and run amuck, by any means. The scientific studies suggest that the younger the person, their prefrontal cortex has not fully developed. Due to the advances in neuroscience, this has had a direct effect on how the juvenile justice system operates. For instance, many states have a cut-off as to when they feel that their respective juvenile courts end jurisdiction. In Tennessee, the juvenile courts maintain jurisdiction until the age of nineteen, while other states have a cut-off at the age of
According to Steinberg (2013), there is a direct correlation to adolescent’s brain development which impairs their cognitive ability to make good decisions. Now, this does not give every teenager the right to go out and run amuck, by any means. The scientific studies suggest that the younger the person, their prefrontal cortex has not fully developed. Due to the advances in neuroscience, this has had a direct effect on how the juvenile justice system operates. For instance, many states have a cut-off as to when they feel that their respective juvenile courts end jurisdiction. In Tennessee, the juvenile courts maintain jurisdiction until the age of nineteen, while other states have a cut-off at the age of