Unit 1 ~ Computers and Business: Computer: Definition - Evolution - Impact of Computers in the Society - The Trends in IT including Hardware, Operating Systems, Software and Packages and Peripherals Applications of Computers in Business.
Unit 2 - Windows & Word Processing: Using Windows - Using Windows Explorer - Word Basics - Formatting Text and Documents - Working .with Headers, Footers and Foot Notes - Tabs, Tables and Sorting - Working with Graphics - Templates and Wizards - Creating Macros and Menus - Mail merge.
Unit 3 - Use of Spreadsheet:
Excel basics - Arranging Worksheets - Functions - Chart and Its Features - Graphics What if Projects.
Unit 4 - Database applications:
Introduction to Access - Creating Databases - Forms - Entering and Editing Data Finding, Sorting and Di splaying Data - Reports, Letters and Labels - Relationships Expressions and Macros - Linking, Importing and Exporting.Records.
Unit 5 - Application for Presentations and World Wide Web:
Power point Basics - Making a Presentation - Slide shows - Animations and spec ial effects. Introduction to World Wide Web - Internet operations - Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business - Need for Cyher Protection REFERENCES 1. Sanjay Saxena, MS Office 2000 for Everyone, Vikas Publishing House. 2. Krishnan N, Windows and MS Office 2000 with Database Concepts, Sci tech Publications, Chennai. 3. Griever, Yair Alan, FoxPro 2.6: Code Book, BPB Publishers, New Delhi, 1994. 4. Edward Jones, FoxPro 2.5 for Windows Inside & Out, McGraw Hill, 1996. 5. David Whigam. Quantitative Business Methods Using Excel, Oxford, 1998. 6. Edward Willet, David Crowder, and Rhonda Gowder, MS Office Bible, lOG Books India Pvt. Ltd.