Physical limits based on volume, mass, and energy
Bremermann’s limit is maximum computational speed of a self-contained system
Meta tags- only can be found what is tagged (keywords)
Deals with Management metadata- information about data
How humans are fallible
7 major parts motherboard- everything connects to it in some way
CPU- brain of the computer. Processes.
RAM-random access memory, holds data and software, programs and operating system used, currently running
Video card- creates images to appear on monitor
Power supply- gives power to computer
Hard disk- holds information. When turned on transfers current data and software to RAM.
Optical drive- uses laser to read and write cds and dvds
Bio-Inspired Computing
Using computers to create solutions and do research
Ex: a comp. comparing DNA strands that would take humans forever.
Tech is NOT neutral
Not always good ( hackers, privacy issues, viruses, etc.)
Moore’s Law- describes a trend in hardware industry, developing so fast that what is taught today will be obsolete in two years
Wicked v Tame Problems
Wicked is a problem that has no best solution. Only best for now.
Cooperation is needed because of Social Complexity
Different people have more valuable information to different aspects of the problem
No Stopping Rule
All unique
Don’t understand them until a solution (one-shot operation) is formed
No right or wrong
No alternative solutions
Opportunity driven
Tame problems have an answer by following the Linear Problem- Solution Model
Linear Problem- Solution Model gather data analyze it formulate a solution
Taming a Wicked Problem
Define a subProblem
Ex: violence in schools -> metal detectors help
Simply assert the problem is solved
Wicked problems can’t be solved though
Specify a way to measure the problem’s success
No violence on school grounds -> violence just off of it
“just like” another problem tame by similarity
Just get a