A successful patient from the Atlanta Reproductive Healthcare Center states: “For all of us, hearing that we are pregnant will be the most wonderful news. But remember, as easily as they told you that you are pregnant, it can be just as easy for them to tell you that you have lost your child.” Of the 10,000 people treated each year in Australia, there is a 92% failure rate. More often than not, something goes wrong and couples are left with a hefty medical bill, no pregnancy and compounded emotional stress. Every stage of IVF contains and element of risk, from the administration of drugs to the actual birth of the child. Woman who undergo IVF are at risk of experiencing serious side effects. Many of these are caused by the administration of drugs and hormones which can result in reactions, rashes, swelling, headaches, irritability, restlessness, depression, fatigue, hot flashes (with the drug Lupron) increased stimulation of the ovary, ovarian enlargement, hyperstimulation syndrome (severe ovarian enlargement) and fluid accumulation around the lungs. More seriously, ovaries can rupture leaving blood to accumulate in the abdominal cavity and clot. Fortunately, this only happen in about 1.3% of patients and can be …show more content…
Australian statistics indicate of the 10,000 people treated each year, only 800 are successful (less than 1 out of 10). When this is viewed together with the medical risks to both mother and child that arise during the IVF program, it is a method which requires great thought and planning on part of the prospective parents. Another factor which needs to be recognised is the financial cost to the parents and the burden upon the health system. Further ares of consideration are the legal and moral aspects. Technology surpasses the speed at which the law governing this type of pregnancy is able to keep pace and the moral implications are ones in which the mother needs to face personally and be comfortable with. It would seem that given all the above negatives, those that those who undertake IVF are happy to do so simply to experience