
Iago's Personality

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Iago's Personality
The Characterization of Iago
In the play Othello, the antagonist Iago drives the protagonist Othello to commit suicide because he uses his deceitful, manipulative, dishonest, and egotistical ways to reach and control Othello’s mind. Within the play, Iago manipulates his way through every situation, making him seem as if he is honest and valiant. However, when the cast puts their thoughts together they realize they have been wrong on whom to blame.

In the beginning of the play, Iago demonstrates his deceitful ways when Iago says, “But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve. I am not what I am (1.1.70-71).” In Iago’s silique, he admits that he is two-faced which shows hit two personalities throughout the play. For example, Iago says “I had rather
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He demonstrates this in the play when he says, “Despise me, in personal suit to make me his lieutenant. I am worth no worse a place (1.18-12).” Iago is telling the audience that he is upset here because Cassio received the lieutenancy and that he was not promoted. This conflict in Iago’s life made him turn demented and evil. He would not stop being evil until he was superior. Later on in the play Iago says, “If I can fasten but one cup upon him with that which he hath drunk tonight already. He’ll be as full of quarrel and offense as my young mistress dog (2.3.49-52).” In scene two of the play, Othello places Casio in charge of the party since Othello defeated the Turks. Iago saw that Cassio is in control and he draws up a plan to have Cassio demoted. Iago thinks that he can make Cassio do anything Iago wants him to do. Iago gets Cassio so drunk that Cassio stabs the general Montano. When Othello came down from his room, and heard the story, Othello stripped Cassio as him lieutenancy. Iago is relieved on the inside; however, he has to hide it so it looks like it was not Iago’s fault. Iago’s ego is out of control that he thinks it is right to try to end someone’s life just so he can receive a higher rank in the military. Iago’s ego has got out of control and something needed to happen in his life so that he will learn his

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