What is the effect of heat on vitamin C concentrated in lemon juice?
“Vitamins are complex organic substances that are needed in very small amounts for many of the essential processes carried out in the body.” 1It is estimated and supported scientifically that only a few mg are filling the daily recommendation, which is essential for a healthy living. As most of vitamins cannot be produced by our bodies, we need to obtain them from the food, supplements etc. Called Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is found in many products such as fruits, vegetables and diary products. It is needed in humans for a correct function of tissues in our body as well as ascorbic acid is involved in production of collagen- protein in connective tissues. It is involved in human’s healing process, normal structure and function of blood vessels and neurological. Vitamin C also supports the absorption of iron, from plant sources and has anti-oxidant manners where it is potentially protecting cells from “free radical oxidative damage”. It is soluble in water.2
It’s deficiency can cause serious health problems such as scurvy, which is characterized by bleeding gums and damage to bone and other tissues that’s why any possible factors which cause it’s decrease should be tested.3 If the body is under stress, ascorbic acid is used up more quickly. Smoking is one such stress, and smokers should ensure they eat foods and drinks containing vitamin C.4 Some people take very large concentrations of ascorbic acid (several grams), which can also lead to many problems. Ascorbic acid is found almost exclusively in foods from plant sources, although fresh milk and liver contain small quantities. Products, which contain Vitamin C:
Milk & dairy products, 5%
Fruit, 19%
Fruit juices, 19%
Leafy green vegetables, 6%
Salad & raw vegetables, 7%
Cereals &cereal products, 5%
Potatoes, 15%5
Vegetables and fruits should be a part of our diet