Mary Juenemann
ICD-10- Coding Reaction
ICD-10-Coding is it more effective than ICD-9-coding. With the ever changing medical world, institutions are always updating and changing policies, practices, and procedures. With this in mind the AHIMA along with others have made a more thorough and complete set of codes. The ICD-9 codes have 13,000 codes available and 855 categories to choose from. With the ICD-10-CM there are 120,000 codes and 2033 categories, as well as 3 to 7 character codes, compared to maximum of 5 with the ICD-9 codes. With the tens of thousands of more codes comes more accurate codes, but with the increase of the amount of codes times ten, it’s a lot more information to learn and to and to interpret by researchers, doctors, and other coders. With the level of detail in each specific ICD-10 code it will greatly increase the amount of codes per patient making possible to be specific on diagnoses in turn making easier to research and to review old patient charts. ICD-10 is the wave of the future for coding it is more accurate, not to mention that it was just recently updated in January of 2009. ICD is so much the next best thing it will replace the old ICD-9-Codes in October, 1, 2013. With this change I believe that it will be essential that ICD-9-coders are trained and ready to use this next new wave of coding, and with it comes a great change that will make life easier for, researchers, doctors, coders, and others that use and review patient health information. With the implementing of this new system I feel that ICD-10 coding is much more effective than ICD-9-codes as well as a breakthrough for the medical coding