Mr. Harddick
Iceberg Theory Essay
Period 3
Hemingway is known to write by the “principle of the iceberg” which is a method that keeps the reader constantly intrigued or alert by leaving things open for their interpretation because almost everything he says has a deeper or double meaning. Throughout a collection of his short stories, readers find alternate meanings behind words that could appear to be endless. Audiences need to rely on an understanding of this theory to comprehend the true plots behind most of his tales, without doing so, much of Hemingway’s genius and meaning is lost. For example in “A Canary for One”, Hemingway relies heavily on the reader to read between the lines and to find the “larger part of the iceberg” hidden beneath the water. “A Canary for One,” has many things not mentioned throughout the story that the reader can assume without the author directly stating it. Hemingway brings up many symbolic notions that have all explained the ending divorce. Such as the “three car wreck”, however it displays the failure of love for the wife, husband, and the American lady’s daughter. Also, the description of the view on one side of the train compared to that of the other side. The life on one side and bleary death on the other symbolized the death of love without ever actually saying even those words. The Iceberg Theory is about stating something that has a greater purpose behind what is actually written like it is in “A Canary for One” as well as another Hemingway short story, “Hills Like White Elephants”. A moving story, “Hills Like White Elephants” is a notable example of Hemingway expecting the reader to assume parts of the story on their own, such as the operation that is talked about through the whole story being an abortion. He leaves a few key sentences especially, “Oh, cut it out” which has a double meaning that applies to Jig making a bad joke but as well as him wanting her to get an abortion. In addition, when he says “It’s pretty hot,” he means that yes it is actually hot weather but also the subject that they are discussing is a “hot” or difficult subject. The use of the Iceberg Theory also helps the audience decipher tone and a character’s actions, for example the use of the word “but” throughout the story. The man in the story is mostly contradictory but also attempts to be persuasive and get his way while still appearing to be the good guy. Hemingway used the Iceberg Theory to make the reader hear the man and picture him as a manipulator and the dominant figure in his and Jig’s relationship. A prominent scene is the picturesque view of the hills contrasted by the insipid shade that the man is trying to persuade Jig to come back to. Hemingway is considered one of the best American authors, but what sets him apart from many other writers is his masterful way of incorporating the Iceberg Theory into all of his works. He does not have to explain every detail, if the point comes across without writing it then do not write it. The Iceberg Theory requires readers to reread stories over and over again to see what major hidden details they could have missed. The audience needs to imagine a portion of the story on their own rather than depend solely on Hemingway to assert it for them. Reading a story is about diving beneath the surface, on your own, to discover the real adventure behind what the author states or describes to the audience outright.