Perceived behavioral control refers to the perceptions of a person’s ability to perform a given behavior (i.e. receiving the flu vaccine). If a student’s perceived behavioral control diminishes the chance that they receive the flu vaccine, it will be the most difficult of the three major beliefs to convince otherwise. A long history of not getting the flu vaccine, along with the new experience of students actually being responsible for their own health has an effect on belief of control. The pilot test uncovered a few main things regarding perceived behavioral control. First and foremost, the most popular answer to why they personally did not get the flu vaccine was a confidence in their own immune system. This is the biggest control belief that we should approach moving forward. College students’ immune systems are okay, but poor nutritional habits, high stress and low sleep can all compound to wreak havoc on the immune system, which paves the way for the influenza virus to enter the body. Another popular answer that participants answered when it came to reasons why one would not get the flu vaccine was simply that they were too lazy. Low self-efficacy and low motivations are big factors that play into the college psyche which our information campaign can
Perceived behavioral control refers to the perceptions of a person’s ability to perform a given behavior (i.e. receiving the flu vaccine). If a student’s perceived behavioral control diminishes the chance that they receive the flu vaccine, it will be the most difficult of the three major beliefs to convince otherwise. A long history of not getting the flu vaccine, along with the new experience of students actually being responsible for their own health has an effect on belief of control. The pilot test uncovered a few main things regarding perceived behavioral control. First and foremost, the most popular answer to why they personally did not get the flu vaccine was a confidence in their own immune system. This is the biggest control belief that we should approach moving forward. College students’ immune systems are okay, but poor nutritional habits, high stress and low sleep can all compound to wreak havoc on the immune system, which paves the way for the influenza virus to enter the body. Another popular answer that participants answered when it came to reasons why one would not get the flu vaccine was simply that they were too lazy. Low self-efficacy and low motivations are big factors that play into the college psyche which our information campaign can