1.1.2 Document Conventions
iCliniX has the user specified in double quotes : “Patient”, “Doctor”, “Clinical Laboratory” and “Chemist”. iCliniX has four components “Patient id”, “Doctor Account”, “Clinical Laboratory”, “Admin” and “Chemist”.
1.1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
This document describes the intended details of the Website networking service named iCliniX. Who so ever interested in the Requirement specification of iCliniX will benefit from reading this document.
1.1.4 Product Scope …show more content…
iCliniX will also provide means for the Hospital to keep track of each Patient report. This kind of personal dedication towards every patient will for sure improve the overall performance of the organization. iCliniX provides facility to take appointments of doctor. Doctor can manage their patient appointments and approve it. Clinical laboratory can submit reports of patient on patient id. Chemist can directly deliver medicine to patient by the prescription received from doctor on patient