An icon is and abstract, simplified image. The word “iconoclast” means “image breaker.”
The Iconoclastic Controversy took place under the years of Leo III’s rule. During this time, people were worshiping pictures of things. They were praying to them rather then praying to God. It was wrong because the Bible says do not make any graven images.
Leo knew this was wrong, so he ordered all pictures and images that were religious to be removed from all churches so people would obey what the Bible said. The people weren’t very happy about this. This is how what is known today as the “Iconoclastic Controversy,” began. After all this, a second Council of Nicaea met and restored all the old ways the people worshiped. They then continued on with anti-Scriptural practices and beliefs. You can conclude that the image-worshipers won over the controversy.
The rivalry between the Western Church in Rome and the Eastern Church of Byzantium got worse over hundreds of years. They were extremely hateful toward each other.
I believe that Leo did the right thing by trying to follow and obey what the Bible said. I don’t think he should have tried to change it in such a harsh manner, but I think overall it was the right thing. I think those people knew that what they were doing wasn’t right, but they kept on with it. This was a great point of time in history and it shows how strong our commitment needs to be in