CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting from 2011
CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification 2011
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Structure of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification Syllabus guidance The full syllabus The examinations The transition arrangements for students Programme design and international education standards
March 2011
I am pleased to introduce the 2011 CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting to all of our stakeholders. This revised syllabus achieves three important goals. First, it provides a closer fit with CIMA’s highly regarded chartered management accounting qualification which was launched in 2010. Second, the content has been updated and weighted to reflect significant emerging issues facing the business and financial communities such as the 2008 banking crisis and credit crunch. This demonstrates CIMA’s commitment to making its qualifications relevant to current and future business concerns. Finally, the syllabus uses a new format which links the lead aims, learning outcomes and syllabus content more directly and explicitly. This should enhance the learning experience of students and, as a result, improve their chances of success in the examinations. I commend this new CIMA certificate to you.
Executive Director, CIMA Education
For more information visit
01 Structure of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification
01 Structure of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification
A How to obtain the qualification
To obtain the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification, an applicant must: • register as a student with CIMA • study for, sit and pass five computer based examinations, as defined within the syllabus. Note: applicants who hold other qualifications may be able to apply for an exemption from one or more of the five examinations. For more information please visit: