Aligned with NCLB. Teachers in core subjects must be highly qualified by 2006. Bachelor's degree, license or certificate, and demonstrated content area knowledge…
I am familiar with Common Core instruction through my time spent as an elementary level substitute teacher. I have also provided instruction and resources to Nassau County librarians in support of the NYS Information Fluency Continuum. Many of the skills students acquire through library instruction tie into a variety of goals which have been determined to contribute to making students “college and career ready”. I have also had a great deal of experience in training and instructional delivery and enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with others.…
Students will be able to tell you on fact from the book, “what does it mean to be green?”…
The Arizona or TESOL English learner standards use a guide for differentiating instruction for various levels of ELLs by the teachers making the lessons have a content objective meaning on what the teacher wants all their students to learn in the classrooms. Also, each lesson needs to have a language objective as well which means that are specifically for each individual ELL student and base it in their TESOL standards in the classroom. An example, is for the teacher to try to use both the content objective like making the ELL students write down important facts about learning the English language and the language objective that need to be used by the ELL students will correctly use words or verbs to describe their feelings on the reason why these facts are so important to them. When teachers are making their lessons whether it be for the ELL students on level one which are known as beginners or on level five which are known as advanced students in the English language skills it should always provide precise visual support and guided reading until students master the grade-level materials or instructions (Zehr, M. 2010). Teachers should do a little bit of research while preparing their lessons of the ELLs for the language levels that pertain to the content of the students language being taught, give the ELL students the opportunity to interact with the English speakers in the classroom, teachers should target corrections where the students have specific errors, and teachers should be using appropriate level language aspects of the ELL students when assigning assessments, classwork, tests, homework, etc. Teachers in the field of educating ELLs of different English proficiency levels because all students do not learn at the same pace or same time (Zehr, 2010). By the teachers having some type of assistance when planning the lessons or activities that will positively support appropriate content for the ELL…
I began working with my student relatively late in the program due to scheduling conflicts after many negotiations and time working with student we are able to come up with a schedule that works for us. When we first began the program I noticed that she seemed to grasp the concepts rather quickly and almost became bored with the program from start. My student is a young girl who happens to be my younger sister and she is able to read. While her reading level is not low it is not real high either side. I figured this program would be perfect for her and allow her the chance to really learn some additional class time skills that you may not learning traditional classrooms as she is homeschooled. Her mother agreed to allow me to use the training class for her and teach her to read within the short amount of time that I have in this class. She began following along very well and was able to make quick progress within a few minutes and she even some games and the singing fun.…
My teaching experiences have allowed me to adapt to different types of classroom settings. I have gained an abundance of skills and knowledge that have guided my students to clas achieve successful results. I started teaching in 2008, during this time I have worked in several grade levels ranging from Pre-Kinder through 4th grade departmentalized and self-contained. I consider my education background to be very diverse. I have had opportunities to lead in my grade-level, conduct meetings, and presentations. In the last 5 years, I have been administering the state assessments in grades 3-5th. I have full understanding of SpEd programs such as 504, resource, and inclusion. Most of all I consider myself very knowledgeble in the area of Bilingual Education. I have served in LPAC committees, have administered a variety of language assessments, and worked in different types of Bilingual program models.…
One positive to Grade Inflation is the fact that students are less stressed over grades and school over all, besides the more money the school gets as a result of higher letter grade output. Although students are less stressed, the do however become lazier which in the end results in more stupid people. Some students might take advantage of this and take more classes or do positive and valuable things outside of school. This would not be a problem if students are responsible for their education, and see that grades are not the main reason why students go to school. Students go to schools to learn and understand what they learn. Teachers in grade school should teach students to focus on the material instead of the grades. The grades should only be a representation of what the students knows and what the students is capable of understands, not how well they can hold their bladder or the amount of printer paper they can take to school.…
Teachers routinely monitor and assess the reading levels and progress of individual students. This ongoing evaluation directs and informs instruction.…
At Park Elementary, a variety of assessments are used to evaluate the performance of the students. A DIEBELS Assessment is used to evaluate our students’ performance in reading for grades kindergarten thru fourth. The test is administered three times a year including the months of September, January, and May. The teachers analyze and use the results of the DIEBELS testing to place students in three different reading groups during reading instruction. The groups are divided by using a color coding system of red, yellow, and blue. Students are placed in the blue group (mastery) if they are advanced in reading, yellow (strategic) if they are on grade level, and red (intensive) if they are below grade level in reading and need intensive reading instruction. Teachers are required to differentiate instruction during the time that students are divided into the three “flexible” groups. Benchmarks scores, Unit testing scores, and results from LEAP and ILEAP scores are utilized to evaluate the performance in the upper grades. These scores are also used in order to determine group placement and provide differentiated instruction in reading for upper grade levels as well. In addition, differentiated instruction is determined in all grade levels for math by students’ weekly test grades, benchmark scores, and in the upper grade levels, ILEAP and LEAP scores are used to determine placement of students in groups and to provide differentiated instruction. The data from all of the assessment tools are analyzed and used for school improvement by providing us with a guide or map to show us which skills or subjects we are mastering and which skills we need improvement on. It also allows us to analyze our data to determine how we will differentiate instruction to meet the…
Everyone has progressed to where they are in life today because they had a great teacher. According to Webster’s dictionary, a teacher is someone who teaches or gives instruction. This is such a simple definition, but the reality to it is that teaching is so much more complicated and rewarding, especially if you want to make a difference in these children’s lives. Although this statement is true in general, it magnifies much more when you look at the situation in these high need areas that need great teachers. These schools have difficulty retaining teachers. Children in these high need areas come from very different backgrounds, and face various difficulties, such as economic, social, and family…
Hi Mary, I also hope that I can learn more about diversity in this world through this course. Being Hispanic, I guess gives me a step forward into at least knowing how the Hispanic population sees the world, but I would love to learn more about other ethnicities. I would love to teach second grade, but during my field experience, I observed a fifth-grade class and it's a perfect grade to teach because they are more independent.I personally do not enjoy English but I think it's going to be a great subject for you if you enjoy writing. By the things that you mentioned in your discussion, I hope that you will become a great fifth-grade teacher and open the minds and eyes of those students who have absolutely no clue of how beautiful and interesting…
Regular first and second grade classroom teachers work for an extra twenty minutes with the five or six students who are encountering the greatest amount of difficulty in learning to read. Provision is also made for these students to practice their reading for an additional five or ten minutes each day by reading individually or in pairs to the teacher, a teacher's aide, a volunteer, etc.…
My teaching takes place in a large classroom with 15 students in my fifth grade class. All of my children are struggling readers and at-risk learners. They come to my Read 180 class for 90 minutes every…
literacy to students. In fact, studies conducted on the impact of national board certification retention rates of teachers, show national board certified teachers stay in the teaching profession at higher rates than non-national board teachers (Blazer, 2010). Also, not only did the study reveal NBCTs have a significant longevity rate, but they have a positive effect on reading gains in student’s grades third through fifth. Moreover, NBCTs had a positive effect on student achievement school-wide as more NBCTs were added to the school staff. However, the study fail to reveal the impact of NBCTs on literacy gains in grades kindergarten through second…
I received the opportunity to be a teacher’s assistant during my senior year. This program allows me to spend a period in an elementary classroom, assisting the teacher for an hour each day. This experience has given me a renewed excitement to gain a greater knowledge of education, in order to hold a position in this field.…