
Ideal Models In Ancient China

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The three readings are all about stories that are related to emperors or leaders, and they illustrate both the common and unique characteristics of ideal models, values, male and female.

In those chapters, they unanimously demonstrated that a role model should be strong, never obsessed with women and should always fulfil their responsibilities by serving the state and protecting the people. As shown in Genji, when the King demanded her lady to accompany him for the whole day, many courtiers were resent as the King was preoccupied by the woman at the expense of the country’s strength and reputation. The story also mentioned that if this happens in China, the Imperial Court would undo the King and the God in Heaven would impose natural disasters to the country. As in the story of Rama, Rama must fulfil his responsibility to rescue his wife regardless of the difficulties, and he needed to break their relationship due to some customs despite his love to Sita.

In Japan, the ideal Japanese values are modesty, politeness and power for male or obedience for female. Apart from fulfilling responsibilities, an ideal ruler should has good manner and characteristics
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Besides of being single-minded on work, an outstanding governor should also be ambitious and loyal. As shown in the story, the 3 leaders all have ambitions since they were small, they also demonstrated their loyalty by carrying the sacrificial ceremony and swearing brotherhood. Furthermore, one of the leader Liu Bei even initiated to help his old master. The above features also imply that ideal male should be faithful, powerful and career focus. On the other hand, ideal women should, again, be obedient and never intervene with state affairs. As discussed in the text, if women or eunuchs manage state affairs, God in Heaven would get furious and declare hardship to the country as the Emperor was not fulfilling his

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