Initially, the theme of influence is portrayed by the character of Henry Wotton in Dorian Gray. Even in the opening chapter of the book, he is seen to have an influence over Dorian with his musical language, charm, and unconventionality. The ideals he stands for, the value of beauty and youth over any socially accepted moral code, grabbed Dorian’s attention with their uniqueness, while Wotton himself allowed his words to enrapture Dorian. Dorian admits that “The few words that [Wotton] had said to him… had touched some secret chord that had never been touched before.” This is an immediate reaction upon their first meeting, and the influence of Wotton on Gray’s psyche is equally immediate: “Life suddenly became fiery-coloured to him”. With this astounding impact on Dorian’s mentality, it is not surprising that he should become spellbound by Wotton’s influence and become his little science experiment. As a parallel, the theme of influence in The Lord of the Flies is not set on one character throughout, but on the key object being the conch. The conch is a tool of influence, in that the person who holds it is the person who speaks. Initially, Ralph is made the ‘chief’ on the island due to him rallying up all of the children
Initially, the theme of influence is portrayed by the character of Henry Wotton in Dorian Gray. Even in the opening chapter of the book, he is seen to have an influence over Dorian with his musical language, charm, and unconventionality. The ideals he stands for, the value of beauty and youth over any socially accepted moral code, grabbed Dorian’s attention with their uniqueness, while Wotton himself allowed his words to enrapture Dorian. Dorian admits that “The few words that [Wotton] had said to him… had touched some secret chord that had never been touched before.” This is an immediate reaction upon their first meeting, and the influence of Wotton on Gray’s psyche is equally immediate: “Life suddenly became fiery-coloured to him”. With this astounding impact on Dorian’s mentality, it is not surprising that he should become spellbound by Wotton’s influence and become his little science experiment. As a parallel, the theme of influence in The Lord of the Flies is not set on one character throughout, but on the key object being the conch. The conch is a tool of influence, in that the person who holds it is the person who speaks. Initially, Ralph is made the ‘chief’ on the island due to him rallying up all of the children