The person who changed me this year was my English teacher Mr. Abram because my grammar got better this year . I started to read more this year since I stop reading because reading was not fun no more it got boring. But my english teacher Mr. Abram help me as a student to keep loving reading and writing. For he help me so much in life than any other person. My english teacher’s never really stand next to me to help, they just told me somethings about spelling or grammar not how to do it the right way. But Mr. Abram just stand there when I didn’t get it and when I got something wrong he help me understand it more. He was different than any of my english teacher I had in my life. Mr. Abram made me grow as a person than any other person that I knew in my life.
My Dad made me grow as a person because this year I talk to him more than ever. I never really ask my Dad about his past life or how he grew up. He told me how his life was not that bad when he was in mexico yet, his life was bad because he didn’t have food …show more content…
Her life was not that great so far and she look after me by telling me what to look out for.She told me that she made mistakes in her life and wish she never done it. Her mistake follows her around all the time and everywhere she went, keeps telling me to not do the same things as her. I listened to her advice and try to fix what I was doing in my life. I realize that I was kinda doing the something as her. She gave me advice that would help me a lot. Her mistakes did follow her around since what she did they didn’t stop and she help me look out for that. I never really have someone to tell me this. I was so grateful that she told me about her life and her mistakes that cost her life to be bad. No one told me what to look out for than my sister Gabriela because she have the same problems like