Identify & Critique The Contemporary Approaches To HRM And Evaluate Them In The Context Of HRM Theories And Literature. Sneha S. Kulkarni(16094)
“Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirement for B.A.(Hons.) in Hotel Management”
The University Of Huddersfield,
22nd April, 2010
I declare that this project is the result of my individual effort and it conforms to the university, department and course regulations regarding cheating and plagiarism. No material contained within this project has been used in any other submission by researchers for an academic award.
Sneha S. Kulkarni
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1) I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my module leader Mr. Malay Biswas for your support in writing my essay. It has also enhanced my knowledge to a big extent. 2) I would also like to thank the IHM-A library- Ms. Rupa Matthew and Gajanan, for the help in collecting information for my essay.
Sr. No. | Title | Page No. | 1. | Declaration | 01 | 2. | Acknowledgement | 02 | 3. | Table of Contents | 03 | 4. | Abstract | 04 | 5. | Introduction | 05 | 6. | Human Resource Management Practices | 06 | 7. | Trends in Human Resources | 15 | 8. | Critique | 17 | 9. | Conclusion | 18 | 10. | Bibliography | 21 |
In this essay the author has initially explained the human resource practices which take place and affect the organization, many examples have been presented to put forward a clearer idea of the concept which is being written about.
Later on, the current and future trends of the human resources have been discussed and the topic has then been further critiqued, where it is explained how important the HR department is and how it effects the smooth functioning of an organization.
This is then followed by a conclusion by the author which brings the
Bibliography: In reference to gender discrimination Aguinis and Adams (1998) have argued that despite the increase in female managers, their positions in the organization involve lower-paid roles with less power and authority than their male counter parts.