Children’s Act 1989
The Children Act 1989 aimed to ensure that the welfare of the child was paramount, working in partnership with parents to protect the child from harm. The Act was intended to strengthen the child’s legal position; to give him/her equal rights, feelings and wishes; and to ensure children were consulted and kept informed.
Education Act 2002
The Education Act 2002 included a provision requiring school governing bodies, local education authorities and further education institutions to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Children’s Act 2004
The Act aims to improve effective local working to safeguard and promote children’s wellbeing.
The Act takes a child-centred approach and includes universal as well as targeted and Specialist services. Part of the aim of integration of services, plans and information is to enable young people’s needs to be identified early to allow timely and appropriate intervention before needs become more acute. The success of local implementation will be
Assessed by the achievement of the Every Child Matters outcomes for children and young people:
• be healthy;
• stay safe;
• enjoy and achieve;
• make a positive contribution; and
• achieve economic well-being.
Policies which safeguard
The definition for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in working together to safeguard children 2013 is:
• Protecting children from maltreatment
• Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
• Ensuring children grow up in