Power comes from an individual or group influence over another. The sources of power are divided into two general groups which are formal and personal. An individual’s position in an organization is based on formal power. Formal authority comes from the ability to coerce. Coercive power depends on the fear of negative results from failing to comply with rules and regulations. Political behaviors in organizations are activities that are not required as part of an individual’s formal role. Some factors that influence employee behavior are individual and organizational factors. When employees feel that politics are a threat they respond with defensive behavior to avoid blame or change. Employees can also behave with compliance when reward power is put into play.
Identify characteristics of the company culture. What are the potential influences of the corporate culture on employee behavior.
Organizational culture is a system that refers to a shared meaning held by distinguished members of the organization. Culture is a descriptive term, it is concerned with how employees perceive the characteristics of an organization’s culture, not whether or not they like them. When an organization’s culture is strong the management is not concerned as much with developing formal rules and regulations to help guide employee behavior. Cultural differences will affect employee satisfaction and performance. Organizations that operate with people from high power distance such as most of Latin America, find that their employees are much more accepting of mechanistic