It is always challenging for churches to develop successful programs for young people, Dr. Garces-Foley, in the “Choosing Faith” article talked about how difficult it is to make their programs appealing to young adults. However, she stated that, “campus ministries have been very successful at getting the college age student to continue to be involved in the …show more content…
church.” Many of these young adults bring their faith experiences from college, especially those who participated in youth groups while in high school. They come back and integrate in such groups because they find it attractive. As for the P3 service, what appealed the most to the many young adults there was confession. I think that extending the hours for confession is a good method making them feel welcome. There are some places where you go and confessions are certain hours and even if there is a line, the priest gets up and leaves because he has completed the time.
Garces-Foley states in “When Young Adults Go Church Shopping” that, “After graduation we find young adults who have made a clear decision to be actively Catholic, even though most take breaks from parish engagement as their lives are in frequent transition.” This is exactly what it can be perceive at St. Charles, most of the attendees don’t look to be college students, they seem to be college graduates who are responsible and have chosen freely to be active in the church community.
Overall, it is very obvious that the church has as one of its priority the young adults group. I have participated in two of their events and both activities were very interesting. The feeling of being welcome comes naturally, no one comes and asks you what you are doing there, and each person is having their own personal moment. From my experience, “P3” is a very successful program, the fellowship combine with prayer make the program popular among young