After Hamlet learns that his uncle, now stepfather, killed his real father, his relationships with women worsen in part because of his pessimistic attitude. It appalls him as well as breaks his heart that his mother married his uncle “with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!” he cries out “But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue” (1.2.162-164). Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, was quick to marry after the king’s death …show more content…
He wonders if it is better “to be, or not to be: that is the question”(3.1.55). Hamlet's determining of whether to kill himself or continue suffering through life unleashes his internal conflict: because everyone dies, it does not matter how or when he does. But, in his soliloquy he realizes that death is unknown and could be worse than living with depression thus revealing the determination and strength of his character. Now Hamlet must continue his original task “with wings as swift as meditation” so he “may sweep... revenge” on Claudius (1.5.31-37). Hamlet seeks his father’s vengeance through toying with Claudius’s conscious. He organizes a play revealing Claudius's guilt and plans on murdering him during some act of unholiness. Hamlet’s drive for revenge defines his determined, manipulative character, resulting in his mind swaying between oblivion and