LDSP 210
Dr. Waters
Identity Paper
I was born across the sea in the country of Singapore. My mother was born in Nebraska and my dad was born in Singapore like me and my sister (Kate). I my mom is a physical therapist and my dad is a rubber trader, as a child I spent a lot of time with a nanny, which was a very common thing in Singapore. I lived overseas for the first five years of my life. while my family was overseas, we travelled a lot through Asia me, my mom and my brother, my sister still complains she was not born during are travelling to today, but Kate my little sister was born three years after me and my brother is two years older than me. We moved to the states when I was five, we stayed in Connecticut for a little bit …show more content…
For sixth grade, I transferred to the Henley Middle School. I was proud of myself confident and little naive and clueless. Then in the middle of my sixth grade year, it happened and it took me some time after to trust others and my own judgement. I am still somewhat cynical and over caution because of it, constantly second guessing myself. I would clarify what it is, but over the years I expunged the memory out of my head, I just remember how it affected me and how I felt at the time. Then to get a new start because my parents were worried because my confidence was dropping, I had few friends and almost no good friends. I was so scared I could not even stomach going to a teacher for help. So, we looked at schools and I transferred to a private school called Covenant for my eighth grade year. There I started to find myself again, I made great friends, I got to think more about my faith, I joined the field hockey team and got a new confidence in the classroom I transformed for the better. I was still shy and guarded around strangers, but at least I had a group of people I trusted and could be real with. That my life till now, I travelled more since moving to Covenant and I have a great family an older brother in college in ST. Louis and a sister who a sophomore in high school right now, …show more content…
But I from the ages of 6-11, I felt the feeling of inferiority not feeling good enough, the kid that went to a special school, then I felt industry I was confident I was not unusually I went to a private school yeah a lot people do, then I felt inferior again in 6 the grade and went back to feeling more confident in 8th grade and my ability to work with other slowly is growing and my trust slowly is growing. I know theories state you find your development in adolescent, I don’t think I fully found my identity until college and I have not finished growing even now. But after going back home for fall break and seeing my family I notice how much I have grown and developed over the past just a few months, I am more organized, I have at least a loose plan for my future, my confidence to talk to people about how I truly feel and who I am has sky rocketed. Before college, I would never have made this paper so much about me, I would have skimmed the surface of myself and added a lot about what I wanted to be mostly based on what my school and family wanted me to be but now it doesn’t matter so much what they want me to be but what I want to be and should become. This is my life, I have found my identity more and more every day, I am committed. But, I am also ready to explore to take that class that looks interesting, but is not toward my major or toward what my dad wants me to do. My dad, I love to