Hitler and Stalin are names that will be forever remember as evil master minds of killing millions of people in order to create a perfect race. In this paper, there will be a comparison of Hitler and Stalin’s careers. Also, investigating which one had a greater impact on the twentieth century.…
He tried to show this through the military, by build up all of his forces. He also wanted them to know that his government was better than theirs, by doing his best to show off his government. Stalin differed on his goals. He wanted a worldwide revolution, or comintern. “In 1928, he proposed the first of several ‘five-year plans’ aimed at building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output.” ( p. 542 ) These were three of many of his goals within his five-year plans.…
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were two of the most evil men in history, responsible for countless atrocities. They had many similarities as well. Both men committed genocide to further their political agenda, massively improved the militaries of their respective countries, had their own different groups of secret police and spies, and finally they were both tyrannical totalitarian dictators. Despite sharing many similarities, their government structure and political philosophies were very different. Adolf Hitler was a Fascist who believed in a highly centralized government with himself at the top of the pyramid. Joseph Stalin was a communist who believed in collectivism and instilling fear into his political opposition. Although there are…
Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin seem to have ruled by the same principles but they were in fact very different. Mussolini believed in fascism, which is the belief that the well being of the nation was above all even if it meant the loss of the people's rights. Everything, like social labor unions were put under the states control. Stalin believed in communism, which is the idea of a society where all property was publicly owned and each person works and gets paid according to their abilities and needs. If something were created in the community, for the community, it would truthfully belong to the state. Mussolini also glorified war in Italy. He tried to return Italy to the glory of the Roman Empire. The Soviet Union's military did grow but that was seen as an economic aspect rather than a social aspect.…
The concept of Stalinism, being the ideologies and policies adopted by Stalin, including centralization, totalitarianism and communism, impacted, to an extent, on the soviet state until 1941. After competing with prominent Bolshevik party members Stalin emerged as the sole leader of the party in 1929. From this moment, Stalinism pervaded every level of society. Despite the hindrance caused by the bureaucracy, the impact of Stalinism was achieved through the implementation of collectivization and the 5-year plans, Stalin’s Political domination and Cultural influence, including the ‘Cult of the Personality’. This therefore depicts the influence of Stalinism over the Soviet State in the period up to 1941.…
Stalin presented himself as if he were greater and more powerful than everyone else (DOC 10.) Unfortunately for him the people of Russia didn’t see this characteristic; Stalin’s methods damaged the Russians. His act of collectivization was found to be extremely unfair and hurtful. Numerous actions were taken place…
In 1917, Russia was crumbling into pieces. The World War I was draining all of Russia’s resources. There was shortage of food throughout the country, which left people starving. At the battlefront, millions of Russian soldiers were dying, they did not possess many of the powerful weapons that their opponents had. The government under Czar Nicholas II was disintegrating, and a provisional government had been set up. In November of 1917, Lenin and his communist followers known as the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government and set a communist government in Russia. However, in 1924, Lenin died and Josef Stalin assumed leadership of the Soviet Union, which was the name for the communist Russia. Stalin was a ruthless leader who brought many changes to the Soviet Union. Stalin’s goal was to transform the Soviet Union into a modern superpower and spread communism throughout the world, and he was determined to sabotage anyone who stood in his way. He used many methods such as collectivization, totalitarianism and five year plan’s to achieve his goals. Stalin’s rule brought both harmful and beneficial consequences to the Soviet Union; however, the negative factors were so terrible, that they overwhelm the positive factors.…
Stalin had several methods of social control that gave him such a powerful rule in Russia that even today he still has supporters. Socialist Realism was an essential method to create this, although it was not the most important method of social control.…
Hitler. Stalin. Mussolini. These three names define World War II. World policy revolved around them for at least a decade or in Stalin 's case for almost fifty years. Much is generally known about each man 's role in the war, but only as it pertains to the outcome. Not many people possess extensive knowledge of these dictators as individuals or as leaders of a particular party. This paper will attempt to shed light on the differences as well as the similarities of they style of totalitarianism that the three men who shaped the middle of the twentieth century implemented in their respective countries.…
Some would argue that his totalitarian personality shaped the purges. It is believed that Stalin had extreme paranoia. This meant that he was sickly suspicious of everyone. Everywhere he looked he would see enemies or spies, ready to betray him. This would mean that Stalin felt that he had no choice. The purges were a way to deal with the intense paranoia he was carrying around with him. He felt he had so many enemies the only way to remain as leader of the Soviet Union would be to dispose of them. He had to tend to his totalitarian personality and convince himself he was always in complete control. He used the purges as a controlling weapon; terror was the way to control people, and the way they acted. It could be concluded that it was in fact Stalin’s state of mind and his dangerously flawed personality which meant that he felt he had no choice. Alternately, putting aside Stalin’s state of mind, you could argue that Stalin was acting in the interest of the party and the revolution; he believed that his removal from leader or the reversal of his policies would be disastrous for the Soviet Union. We therefore need to look into external factors of the culture Stalin reigned…
Stalin held up this strong dictator way of ruling which continued through WWII. As you can see, their shifts in power does not lead to a constant political lifestyle, showing me that Politically Russia was worse off after…
Stalin utilized education and propaganda to ensure that the minds of both the young and the old supported and agreed with everything Stalin did and how crucial he was to giving everyone a better life in Russia. By controlling what information people were receiving and what that information was saying, this was how Stalin was able to keep control for so long; the people who were receiving this ‘filtered’ information didn’t know any better. The people of Russia weren’t aware of the serious problems that their country was facing, and how it was affecting their lives. Stalin had strategically created a blanket over the people, in order to blind their views and maintain their support. In order for this strategy to work properly, Stalin had to have…
Both The Fascists and the Communists targeted countries in which conditions were poor. Both groups targeted the peasants and middle class for support. The fascist and communist movements also represented attempts to create revolutionary new modern states.…
A totalitarian state is defined as "a few control everything," and "the government controls every aspect of the citizens life." This cannot be better exemplified than by Italy under the rule of the ruthless and violent dictator, Benito Mussolini. What a totalitarian state is, the characteristics it has, and how Italy turned into one are three points that will be studied in this essay. A brief look into Mussolini's life and his rise to power will also be examined, as well as how his reign resulted for Italy and in turn, how it affected the whole world. An assessment of Italy as a totalitarian state will bring this essay to a close.…
Stalin’s goals during this time in history were to make industrial and agricultural growth the prime economic goals of the Soviet Union, to transform the Soviet Union from a backward rural nation to one of extreme industrial power, and basically slowly gain total control. To do this he commenced his Five Year Plan and established a totalitarian government that tried to exert complete control over citizens [individuals have no rights and the gov’t suppresses everything], created a sound communist state and wait for world revolution, and the state had ownership of property.…