IE8 on Windows 2008 Terminal servers (has to be done on each terminal\Citrix server)
• On each Remote Desktop\Citrix server click Start - Run and type “gpedit.msc” to enforce the following settings. NOTE - These settings can also be done at the domain level if desired.
• Check for newer versions of stored pages every visit to the page: o UserConfiguration - Windows Settings - Internet Explorer Maintenance o Right click on Internet Explorer Maintenance and select Preference mode o o Highlight Advanced and double click Corporate Settings o o Choose Temporary Internet Files (User) and under “Check for newer versions of stored pages” select “Every visit to the page”. o • Play animations in web pages: o Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Internet Explorer – Internet Control Panel – Advanced Page – Play animations in web pages : Enabled o • Automatic logon with current user name and password o Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Internet Explorer – Internet Control Panel – Security Page – Intranet Zone – Logon Options: Enabled – Automatic logon with current username and password o • Disable show friendly HTTP error messages o User Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Internet Explorer – Internet Settings – Advanced Settings – Browsing – Turn off friendly http error messages: Disable o • Force offscreen compositing even under terminal services o Create Administrative Template to force this setting
Paste the following text into a text file and save to C:\Windows\inf\ IEForceOffscreen.adm:
CATEGORY !!AdditionalSettings
CATEGORY !!InternetExplorer POLICY !!ForceOffscreenComposition KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" PART !!ForceOffscreenComposition_Help TEXT END PART VALUENAME "Force Offscreen Composition"