1. Marmara University, Istanbul (www.marmara.edu.tr/en)
Marmara University has rapidly expanded, providing education-training and research activities from 1982 on, in the faculties, institutes, schools and vocational schools and research-implementation centers. In addition to education and training, the University has developed in social services, giving great importance to publishing and consultancy projects; in this century, when the industrial society has been replaced by the information society, in keeping with the demands of society, the university has made contributions to the development of manpower and technology as needed by the country; the educational approach of providing solutions to economic, political, cultural and similar problems of the university has been represented at home and abroad.
2. Gazi University (www.gazi.edu.tr)
It not only meets the needs of its own academic staff, but also trains academic staff from other universities with more than 5 thousand students studying with masters and PhD programs. Gazi University carries out its education at different campuses. Having three campuses-Besevler, Emek and Maltepe in Ankara- Gazi shows the degree of importance it gives to education. With more than 50,000 students and over 3.000 academic staff, Gazi University demonstrates the standards of the world average in terms of the number of students per instructor. Gazi is one of the largest universities with its faculties of education to communication, fine arts to engineering, sports to forestry, medicine to pharmacy, dentistry to science and economics.
3. Dokuz Eylül University (www.deu.edu.tr)
HISTORY The Faculty of Business at Dokuz Eylül University was in established 1992 to meet the needs of the Aegean and surrounding regions as an internationally recognized higher institution that provided a