Socrates was a philosopher who spread his teachings to solve everyday problems, from his teaching he can show that he lives by this proverb. People learning from Socrates, learned that Socrates used problem solving to show that he was knowledgeable. This quote describing Socrates states, “Socrates used questioning to find the answer” (Huffman). This quote ties in with knowledgeable because he used this method to solve life problems for people to come up with a solution. People can also say that from this that he was very intelligent. Socrates was a philosopher so since philosophy is the study of knowledge, he had a better input on what are ongoing problems during that time. From a historian, she states that “believed to have a better understanding on life problems” …show more content…
Thomas Edison was very productive during his lifetime. This quote from Judith Baughman, she states, “Edison and his associates spent months trying to find a way to get the light bulb to last longer” (Baughman). This quote proves that Edison was hard working because he tried to improve the light bulb for months. Edison was also known for taking old inventions better which the light bulb is during this time. Consistent is another word used to describe Edison. This quote was used to describe Edison and his workers, “Each project Edison had took him 6 months almost to 2 years” (Baughman). This quote can prove that Thomas Edison is able to work for lengths of time to find the solution. This can also prove that when Edison works he gets projects done as soon as possible. Edison was very innovative to other inventors and people. This quote states “Edison was one of the greatest inventors and technological innovators in history” (Baughman). Thomas is proved to be an innovator from this quote because he was able to come up with new ideas. This can also prove that Thomas Edison was very creative when coming up with new projects. This inventor proved that from his works and projects that he lives by this proverb and proving he is a hard working