
If We Must Die Let It Not Be Like Hog Rhetorical Analysis

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If We Must Die Let It Not Be Like Hog Rhetorical Analysis
The author establishes a clear and concise central idea of have an honorable death when knowing your going to die. In the poem, the author mentioned, "If we must die-let it not be like hogs/ Hunted and penned.." (lines 1-2), with this statement, it displays how hogs are helpless and can not defend themselves when being hunted and/or penned and that is not how one would like to die, like a hog. Instead, the author insists that if people must die knowingly, "let us nobly die/ So our precious blood may not be shed/ In vain" (lines 5-7). Therefore, the author believes that people should be "fighting back" (line 14) instead of dying like hogs.

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