Key Quote: “If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition.” (p. 58)
Context: Pericles, a well-known political Athenian statesman, delivers a speech at the culmination of the first year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC) as part of an annual ceremony in which all Athenians who had died in combat were honored. During his speech, Pericles approaches the families of those who have lost any relative during …show more content…
Additionally, their way of government has turned out to be one worth imitating by different states instead of it being a shameful one: a fair, democratic, government in which most citizens are favored; man are to be judged and considered based upon their willingness and capacity to serve the state, not upon the social-economical class they possess. B – Athenians enjoyed of the freedom they were given not only on their public life, but as well in their private life. By this is meant that every citizen has the right to act as he desires without the fear of it being looked down upon to –which encourages the thought of following the law, because of the fear of the public, but from the fear of being a disgrace upon personal knowledge of the breakage of an unwritten moral code. Additionally, a distraction for Athenians from the various occurrences regarding military and official matters through the different means that could be found –sacrifices that were done throughout the year, games and …show more content…
Athenians, on the other hand, advance and fight upon unknown lands, unsupported of any external forces and such. Moreover, they easily defeat those who pose a threat against their desire to conquer new lands.
Conclusion: Athens is not just to be praised because of the example they put forward as a democratic government and the ideas that come along with it, but as well it is to be praised for the dedication they withhold in conserving their beliefs and honor. For this reason, it is for those who are left survivors continue the fight for all those who already died and finish it.
Thesis Assessment: During the speech, it can be noticed how in several occasions the thought of having the ideal political view –it being their own Athenian democracy, was the base of all actions and thoughts. Additionally, the thought of them being able to tolerate and adapt to fit the needs of its community, within the respect of the given laws, gave Athens the position of it being the model for other nations and states to follow. However, their point of view ended up being idealized and limited to only one type of individual: citizens –during that time being only men. Therefore, it is to be noticed that even though during the speech the thought of freedom and equality is being enforced, this means did not apply to both women and