The comforts of life but the poor cannot get even a square meal twice
A day. I sometimes dream of getting rich-so rich I could have everything.
I need. I have certain wishes which I would like to fulfill if I become a
Millionaire. I shall invest some of my money in prize bonds, saving
Certificates and the like. In this way I shall not only get benefit for
Myself but also help my country in its development plans. Further,
I shall open schools and colleges that will give free education with
Board and lodging to poor students. I shall also set up a big library.
It will contain a large number of valuable and rare books. I shall
Set out on a world tour to know about the living conditions and
Customs of different nations. It will give me first hand knowledge
About life in other countries. first of all, I shall go to Britain and spend
A few days there. I shall visit the famous seats of learning and meet eminent
Scholars. Then I shall travel across the continent, stay at important places and
Reach Russia. From there I shall proceed to Central Asia, a region that has always
Attracted me. Then I shall go to China and see the forbidden Tibetan city of Lhasa.
Next , I shall cross over to Japan. Then I shall fly to the United States of America and
Spend a couple of months in touring the country. I shall also visit some of the important
Countries of Africa. after the completion of my travels, I shall write a book containing
First hand information about the countries. I have visited. I shall write about the customs,
Manners and ways of living of different nations. However, I shall not fail to mention the
Common qualities that bind all human beings into one brotherhood. Lastly , I mast say
That I shall build a large house at a place of my choice. And lived a peaceful life there.
It is said that the rich are selfish and greedy. I shall set an example to other wealthy
People and show