Traditional Igbo festivals do many things to honor their gods. Whether it is their personal gods, or the main gods, every single thing they do, honors a god. During the Yam Festival, joy was spread all throughout the villages. The Feast of the New Yam is an “Occasion for giving thanks to Ani, the earth goddess and the source of all fertility” (Achebe 36). According to, Ala is worshipped by the Igbo of Nigeria and is annually paid homage to during the Yam …show more content…
According to the Week of Peace is celebrated in the Igbo culture as a means of expressing gratitude and humility, as well as teaching people to be peaceful. It was originally created to pay tribute to Ani, who is the Earth mother goddess (“What is the Week of Peace in Igbo culture?”) The week of peace is one of the most important festivals Igbo people celebrate. It is to honor Ani. During this week, no work can be done, and no violent acts can be seen. If a man beat someone on the week of peace, he will have to “bring to the shrine of Ani . . . one she-goat, one hen, a length of cloth and a hundred cowries” (Achebe 31). It is very rare for someone to beat someone, or to break the rules of the tribes. No matter for what reason, or to who. If a man found one of his wives with another man, he could still not hurt anyone. Paying the fine of animals and cloth, is better than being banished from the clan for