1. The particulate nature of matter 2. Experimental techniques
2.1 Measurement
2.2 (a) Criteria of purity
2.2 (b) Methods of purification 3. Atoms, elements and compounds 4.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table 4.2 Bonding the structure of matter 3.2 (a) Ions and ionic bonds
3.2 (b) Molecules and covalent bonds
3.2 (c) Macromolecules
3.2 (d) Metallic bonding 3 Stoichiometry 4.3 The mole concept 4 Electricity and chemistry 5 Chemical energetics 6.4 Energetics of a reaction 6.5 Production of energy 6 Chemical reactions 7.6 Speed of reaction 7.7 Reversible reactions 7.8 Redox 7 Acids, bases and salts 8.9 The characteristic properties of acids and bases 8.10 Types of oxides 8.11 Preparation of salts 8.12 Identification of ions and gases 8 Periodic table 9.13 Periodic trends 9.14 Group properties 9.15 Transition elements 9.16 Noble gases 9 Metals 10.1 Properties of metals 10.2 Reactivity series 10.3 (a) Extraction of metals
10.3 (b) Uses of metals 10 Air and water 11 Sulphur 12 Carbonates 13 Organic chemistry 14.4 Names of compounds 14.5 Fuels 14.6 Homologous series 14.7 Alkanes 14.8 Alkenes 14.9 Alcohols 14.10 Acids 14.11 Macromolecules 14.8 (a) Synthetic polymers
14.8 (b) Natural molecules
-stuff in blue is not on the syllabus but it might help you to understand to know those things.
-the section titles are underlined and in bold and in size 14. The sub-sections are only underlined and in bold.
-words in red are the ones which you have to know the definition of.
1. The particulate nature of matter
Kinetic Theory:
States of matter:
1. Strong forces of attraction between particles
2. Have a fixed pattern (lattice)