Ignorance is bliss they say, but if we seriously consider things, is it? Ignorance is created by one man and his failings to understand that individuals are inherently the same. His failings to acknowledge that people’s preferences do not label them as ‘abnormal’. Ignorance is fear of the unknown, judgement without education and false assumptions inflicted upon groups and individuals in society. Throughout history, we can trace major social and cultural conflicts back to the oblivious attitude of mankind. Acts of racism, homophobic prejudice and sexism has left entities and collections of people perpetually persecuted due to ignorance. The effects of ignorance are heavily imprinted on humanity in many aspects and are significantly noticeable. “It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” We are the cause of ignorance and we are to blame, however through action we are capable of amendment.
Racism; hostile or oppressive behaviour towards people because they belong to a different race. An unexplained hatred and belief of superiority due to hereditary characteristics. Racism is pre-conceptions due to skin colour or appearance however mentally, physically and emotionally people of all races are the same. Biologically, there is one human race. Ignorant or racist individuals believe that anyone other than people belonging to their own race, are not equal or are inferior. Racists directly or indirectly use several forms of derogatory action to express this. And although, throughout history we’ve taken several steps towards racial equality, it has not vanished. During a poll conducted in the United Kingdom, 60 percent of African-British citizens admitted that they have been racially abused on some or the other occasion. Closely related to this idea of racial inferiority, are the stereotypes given to people of a different races. Judgements passed purely on what a person sees, without knowledge of anything