Unfortunately, The lives lost on 9/11 were without a doubt real, it’s no question that American citizens died that day. The question that I really want to know is, are the people who were and are still being prosecuted for the atrocity really to blame or are they just a scapegoat to something much bigger? I want answers, which I know are unlikely to ever be answered. What were the real motives and driving forces behind such an evil event? Why would anyone declare war on the most powerful nation on the planet and how was it possible they succeeded in bombing two major buildings on its soil?
This book, Hard Measures, lead me to do a little research of my own. It could be just a coincidence, but after every terrorist attack, American citizens lose more and more freedoms we otherwise would be reluctant to give up. Almost immediately after the wake of 9/11 the Bush administration publicized the war on terrorism. It made all the sense in the world at the time because the citizens of the U.S. worst fear came true; another country essentially invaded us and destroyed our peace of my mind, which we would never be under attack on homeland soil. What does the war …show more content…
It’s all the media talk about for several weeks or months, then it just slowly dies down; for example: terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, west Nile virus, swine flu, ISIS, ebola, etc. I personally think those in the highest level of authority play on people’s fears to maintain order, wealth, and power. That’s the only thing I could come up with for why it’s such a relentless drive for war in other countries when the United States Of America is clearly the most powerful nation on the planet. It’s not about terrorism, spreading democracy, oil, or whatever else reasons the military is in other countries. I believe it’s about changing the way our country and ultimately our world operates: culturally, socially, financially, and politically. Anytime it’s a chance to engage in war, opportunities for social e-engineering open up that would have never been possible otherwise. When war is declared it creates fear, panic, rage, and allows dystopian fallacies to reign supreme, make countries weak, and violent for change This book made me open my eyes like never before. It made me realize the harder I work the more I realize how messed up our system is. It makes people to be driven by fear and the political world can always be at ease because it has created a system much like a infant needing its mothers protection and reassurance. It makes me feel like I have