By: Justin Giles
In this paragraph, I will explain the reasons why I agree with the fact that ignorance is bliss… In conclusion, ignorance does in-fact lead to a blissful life. As you can tell by the previous paragraph, there are plenty of reasons why I agree with the saying that ignorance is bliss. But despite the plethora of reasons, I definitely agree more with ‘you can never learn too much’. There are multiple reasons why I disagree with ‘Ignorance is bliss’ and fully agree with the fact that ‘you can never learn too much’. Ignorance is defined as lack of knowledge, while bliss is described as perfect happiness. Often happiness is related to money and possessions. Without knowledge the average person’s capability of earning a high-school diploma is small. In the absence of a diploma, the chances of qualifying for a job are little to none. If you don’t have a job, it is almost impossible to make money. Consequently, in order to have a happy life due to money, ignorance would have to be excluded. Happiness can also be created by friends and surrounding people. Friends can also reveal themselves as people who are considered backstabbers. Without the knowledge to choose your friends wisely, you may often be negatively affected by the cruel actions of everyday humans. Without intelligence, you may be surprised when those, who you considered acquaintances, insult you or betray you. Ignorance can also be a disadvantage when judging people to be your significant other. Without intelligence, one may be affected by the worlds’ habit of cheating and disloyalty. Untrustworthiness of friends can often cause sadness, but without ignorance clouding your vision you may sometimes be able to reveal those who don’t mean you anything good and avoid them. It is definitely never a limit on learning. Intelligence is beneficial in every situation, and it allows people to grow beyond expectations. Knowledge allows people to creatively and clearly