5th SEMESTER TEACHING & EXAMINATION SCHEME (17 WEEKS) National Council Component Subject code 1 BHM311 2 BHM312 3 BHM313 4 BHM314 5 BHM307 6 BHM308 7 BHM309 8 -TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL * No. Subject Advance Food Production Operations - I Advance Food & Beverage Operations – I Front Office Management - I Accommodation Management - I Financial Management Strategic Management Research Project Special topics/Guest speakers Hours per week Th. Pr. 02 08 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 02 01 02 16 15 31 Term Marks* Th. Pr. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 550 400 950
Term marks will comprise 30% In course & 70% Term end exam marks.
IGNOU Component No. 01 Subject code TS-6 Subject Tourism Marketing Counselling sessions 10-12 counselling sessions of two hours each per group per year
National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, NOIDA.
BHM311 - ADVANCE FOOD PRODUCTION OPERATIONS – I (THEORY) HOURS ALLOTED: 30 MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 S.No. Topic Hours Weight age 01 LARDER I. LAYOUT & EQUIPMENT 02 05% A. B. C. D. Introduction of Larder Work Definition Equipment found in the larder Layout of a typical larder with equipment and various sections 03 10%
II. TERMS & LARDER CONTROL A. B. C. D. E. F. Common terms used in the Larder and Larder control Essentials of Larder Control Importance of Larder Control Devising Larder Control Systems Leasing with other Departments Yield Testing
III. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LARDER CHEF A. Functions of the Larder B. Hierarchy of Larder Staff C. Sections of the Larder D. Duties & Responsibilities of larder Chef CHARCUTIERIE I. SAUSAGE A. B. C. D. E. Introduction to charcutierie Sausage – Types & Varieties Casings – Types & Varieties Fillings – Types & Varieties Additives & Preservatives
II. FORCEMEATS A. Types of forcemeats B. Preparation of forcemeats C. Uses of forcemeats III. BRINES, CURES & MARINADES A. Types of Brines B. Preparation of Brines C. Methods of Curing D.