• Culture – a community’s set of shared assumptions about how the world works and what ideals are worth striving for.
• Culture can greatly affect a country’s laws.
• Culture influences what people value, so it affects people’s economic systems and efforts to invest in education.
• Culture often determines the effectiveness of various HRM practices.
• Cultural characteristics influence the ways members of an organization behave toward one another as well as their attitudes toward various HRM practices.
• Cultures strongly influence the appropriateness of HRM practices.
• Cultural differences can affect how people communicate and how they coordinate their activities Cultural environment
Dimensions of Culture
1. Globe Project Team
2. Hofstede’s model and
3. Trompenaar’s 7d cultural model
An understanding of these models equips international managers with the basic tools necessary to analyse the cultures in which they do business. The three approaches also provide useful theoretical concepts to help understand the nuances of different cultures better.
Globe Project
The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational
Behaviour Effectiveness) project team comprises 170 researchers who have collected data over seven years on cultural values and practices and leadership attributes from
17,000 managers in 62 countries, covering as many as 825 organizations spread across the globe.
The research team identified nine cultural dimensions that distinguish one society from another and have important managerial implications: assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, human orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, collectivism/societal, and in-group collectivism.
This aspect is defined as the degree to which individuals in organisations or societies are expected to be tough, confrontational and competitive versus modest and tender.