However, the frequently criticized weakness of utilitarianism is it fails to respect individual rights. The needs of the individuals are usually ignored to fit the needs of the group or organization. That might cause all kinds of abuses to occur. For example, numerous lawsuits charged that Wal-Mart cheated its employees because Mal-Mart didn’t pay overtime salaries and cut labor costs for the greater good of the company. In addition, another weakness is that identifying possible consequences can be difficult or impossible. The reason is that being objective is difficult because people usually tend to favor immediate rewards and ignore long-term risks. This might make Utilitarian decision makers sometimes make different conclusions when they face the same dilemma. For example, one country might want to raise the highway speed but they don’t have the consent of the speed limits, some state legislators decide that the speed of 65 miles per hour produces the greatest good, others may decide the speed of 70 miles per hour generates the most benefits.
Besides, Libertarianism also reflects strengths. The first strength of Libertarianism is self-ownership. This is especially appealing for those who